
I've never seen a robin perching one legged before. I thought it most odd until he lowered his other foot and I saw that it's injured and badly infected.

Kiwilizzie and I escaped from work fairly early today (about 3.30) so that we could head out in full daylight to take some photos. Initially I drove up the Matakitaki in hope of spotting some toadstools (specifically fly agariac) but there were none to be seen and by the time we got to the bush at the top of the road it was too dim under the trees for any decent shots.

We stopped on the way back down and took a few shots of other fungii and of the river, but then I drove down the Buller and took a side road I'd never taken before. The road stopped well before the river and the track down clearly needed better footwear than either of us had on so we didn't get to the water, but we did find this cheeky wee chap.

He kept getting so close that we couldn't focus on him, which is probably why at first I didn't realise he was hopping about one legged. He seemed pretty chirpy, and very plump, so I don't think his foot problem is starving him at all.

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