Malawi Hugs, but you must earn them

Every time we come to Malawi, we make full use of our second 23 Kg allowance for steel rods, toys, books, medicines for hospitals and plenty of clothes. Sixteen people each with 23 Kg is alot of clothes
This morning Mary decided that this was the day to tidy up the lounge in the volunteer house and pack individual bags for all our workers, for children of all shapes and sizes, for the birthing centre and babies in the hospitals.
The pic shows the joy and thanks for something so small as a few bits of used clothing.
Nicole was hugged and swung around by Joyce, who is a deaf member of staff, as Eleana comes running. Kate got her hug from Benidicto.
Some peoples' gift was an individual present form their special friend in Ireland: someone who had visited and made the personal contact.
Eileen who does all the packing will be glad to hear that they all went home happy.
Rik and Richie gave Maths and Science tuition to a girl whose fees we pay in the local secondary school, while all this action was afoot: little miracles all the time!!

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