a lack of focus

By minnchip

A forest of bollards

I have a strange fascination with bollards and I blame Blipfoto.

This little section of Shoe Lane has fascinated me with its little skyways, reminding me of the network of skyways in the Twin Cities.

However a closer look really brought this forest of bollards to my attention. Most blippers seem to know what it is that they have photographed. Therefore I have upped my effort level a notch and found out that these bollards are indeed special.

They are crash resistant security bollards masquerading as normal City of London bollards, and part of a grand plan to increase pedestrian use of this street and its security.

When I am back on a real computer I may even add a link about this Shoe Lane project. Or not.

Oh I couldn't resist. Here is the topical one from someone who really IS fascinated by bollards: Talking bollards

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