My world in pictures!

By MichelleB

Blow me away!

For the first time in a long time I was able to take an idea that I had seen many people trying but I was to nervous to attempt and make it work! I am feeling very happy with this shot. It may not be perfect to the professional eye but I'm pretty pleased with it for a change!

Its been a very quiet day here, pretty miserable weather wise with lots of showers and very windy so we had a peaceful day at home.

However, I had a very good conversation with my job share partner today and we have come to an agreement about next years split without any hassle at all, which is a first, hooray!!

Now off to put the kids to bed, then teach myself photography with my dummies guide, lol! My uni course was full until October so I have devised a new plan. Teach myself basics using the dummies guide, then college in August to do a basic course before embarking on the open uni one in October!

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