knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

More inspiration

Today I went to my mums with Thom and we went and visited 'A Trio of Textiles' Exhibition at Gracefield Arts Centre in Dumfries. This exhibition is a collaboration of 3 Guilds: Dumfries and District Embroiderers Guild; Dumfries and Galloway Guild of Weavers, Spinners, and Dyers; and the Solway Quilters.
The exhibits were of a very high quality and it was lovely to see the three Guilds coming together in one place. There was lots of inspiration from the lovely dyed and spun garment, to the beautiful weavings, amazing quilts, and the exquisite embroideries. Thom loved the masks that the Embroiders Guild had created that went up the staircase as there was lots of different faces to look at. He also made a cool Sponge Bob Squarepants mask.
I thoroughly recommend anyone to go and see this in the next week.
My photo isn't of anything from the exhibition, but is of my inspiration. I bought a bracelet at the Arts Centre today which is in the picture and sitting on top of my handspun that's about to go on my Knitters Loom. I couldn't resist the bracelet as it's a bit mad and funky and I can't remember the last time I bought myself anything like this. The yarn is a fractally spun skein which is hopefully about to be turned into a cowl in the next day or so.

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