stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead


Tonight is a first for me. Portraiture.

Hannah and her sister Emily were happy to pose for me when I got to my folks tonight. Both are naturals in front of the camera and just light up when the lens is pointed their way, which made my job really easy. Just check the settings and push the button! Some more shots here.

Thanks for all your good wishes for my trip to the dentist yesterday. It wasn't really a problem this time. My tooth broke without exposing the root, so the filling was really straightforward. Things have changed a little since the last time I was there. A paper bib tied around my neck and a pair of glasses to stop the splashes. Heh, it always makes me laugh when I get an x-ray. Bite on to this really uncomfortable piece of plastic with the film on it while the dentist runs out of the room before tszzzz... :- ))

The other thing that always amazes me (to be honest) is the bill. A temporary filling, the proper filling, two x-rays a scale and polish, a fluoride paste dab and 45 mins labour, all for £28. That's not bad!

The shopping trip to Glasgow followed. Met up with dad to make the trip to the kilt hire shop. The reason for this is my sister is getting married in June. The silly girl has asked me to take photo's, so I'm meeting up with her on Monday to scout out some fair weather locations and to practice my portraits because... well I need the practice! This is going to be a big challenge for me because it'll really take me out of my comfort zone. No pressure! Fortunately its a small wedding with only family and close friends so that will hopefully help me.

Sorry, this is going to be another blip and run too I'm afraid. Managed to catch up with a few of you but hopefully I'll have more time tomorrow. Have a great weekend folks!

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