A brief case

By twodollarbill

Spring has sprung

The weather is atrociously humid and basically every boy in the city feels cat calling is necessary. Cat calls are on my list of top ten worst things ever. I should have stayed inside today. But, then again, I wouldn't have seen these cuties. Excuse the goose that is creeping in the background.

Kokoa is also in the height of mating season and trying out something new (that is totally not disgusting at all) called "regurgitation". I recently (a.k.a. 5 minutes after he did it) learned that this is a cockatiel's way of expressing affection and undying love? That leaves me kind of conflicted. On one hand, I'm grossed out. On the other hand, I'm kind of offended. We've had him for like eleven years and he never did this. Were we not worthy of his vomit? I don't even know what to think.

It's not all that bad, though. He is being more playful and talkative and he makes his happy, gravelly noise every time I move/show signs of life. It's kind of like having my own disjointed theme song. So you have that to look forward to when you come back! :) He's gonna be soooooooooooooooooo happy to see you again.

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