This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

I woke up at 5am. Did a relaxation exercise and then began to get ready to go...The taxi was there at 7am to pick us up to take us to the airport. It was cool and grey and the driver was fast and made sure I would remember just how narrow and bumpy cobble stones streets can be. It was lovely to take a last look around the town that had been my home for four months. I was tense, there were a few tears and then there was the airport. Our plane was delayed, but we still got to Newark, New Jersey early. I watched 3 films on the plane, it was an easy flight. Newwark, New Jersey was super tense as Stewart and I were seperated for well over an hour as we went through immigration. Then finally and luckily, we waited for our next very delayed flight to Arkansas. I was so glad to be on that plane with nothing to do and away from the massive crowds of travelers. Sadly, due to the delays we arrived too late to attend Jennifer's opening.

Once in Arkansas and off the plane, the hot soupy air smelled like clover. We got our bags and our friend Melissa picked us up. As we drove towards Fayetteville with the windows open, I felt my whole body let go and open. I was relaxed. The sun was a massive ball in the low sky, setting vibrantly.

We all met up with Jennifer and had pizza. As happens in this small town, a newspaper reporter stopped by the table and welcomed Stewart and I back home... Oh did I tell you that Stewart also was interviewed for the news in the airport as well...

I told you he is big in Arkansas....

When we finally got in my house, there was this sign and some flowers from my dear friend Bill who had been watching my house for all these months. I love my friends.

It's all golden.

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