Snippets of Life

By betho


Started the day with lecures and a fairly productive library session. At about half 3 we headed into town in our red tshirts where 17 of us physio girls went to Pizza Express with our orange Wednesday codes for some cheap food and tapwater! Lucy and Debbie and I shared two pizzas and dough balls to even out the numbers which meant we only spent £5 each, amazing! Then we stopped by a pub for a bit before heading to the millenium stadium surrounded by jeering swansea kids in their green tshirts. Some australian woman asked us what was going on, must be pretty bizarre to see if you didn't know.
So anyway it was pretty fun, they had the big fire wooshks as the players came out and the cheerleaders came and did their amazing crazy things. And we all made lots of noise at appropriate moments. Apparently there were 15,600 students there!! And the stadium barely looked a quarter full it's so massive. And Cardiff won, 33-13. Woopie! Us three headed straight home after and got rained on and bought chips (well i did).

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