An ordinary life....

By Damnonii



First of all, thank you so much for all your wonderful comments, stars and hearts on my last couple of blips. I am always wary about blipping bugs as they're not everyone's cup of tea and to be honest, not really mine, but under my macro lens I adore them!

That said, I am sparing you from creepy crawlies today and bringing you some bubbly bubbles instead.

And it would seem bubbly is my theme for the day as we are off out tonight to my fav restaurant to celebrate David's sister Ele's and bruv-in-law Kenny's silver wedding anniversary. No doubt there shall be some bubbly consumed but prior to that I intend to have a lovely long soak in some bubbles and actually make a proper effort getting ready instead of the usual quick shower, makeup thrown on and hair dried on full blast. Might even paint my nails!!!

It remains to be seen if going to all that bother actually makes any difference!

Sing up girls! :-))))

Happy Saturday Peeps xx

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