Super Moon

When I looked at the sky half an hour before the moon was due to rise there was nothing but heavy cloud to be seen. Then suddenly the sky was clear and a huge red moon was sitting among the telegraph poles and masses of wires that is my eastern view. My son and I jumped into my car and dashed out to a better aspect. Too late to photograph the moon in landscape, unfortunately, but we saw the most beautiful sight. My son remarked that is is times like this that you realise what rubbish digital cameras are compared to your eyes.

It's Mothers' Day here. My son had already given me a cover for my iPad. Today he installed a bead seat cover on my car's passenger seat so that I can have the same comfort when he is driving me. Then on top of that he is joining with my daughter to take me on a special treat next Saturday. Something to look forward to.

Edit: As pixelsmiths and Rainey point out it's Mothers' Day next Sunday. So I get another one next week. Aren't I lucky?

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