Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378


So you may be asking why on under god I am at the bingo......not to mention in Glasgow!!!!
I have to admit, this is very very interesting.....the bingo we are at has cost us £50 per book....but...
The place has guaranteed to give away £100,000 in total!!!!
A bit mental, an yes okay, the place is packed, but you can't really pass this up eh....
The average full house is £1000, but the last 5 games are £10,000 per house....
I said it before, but here it comes again....
So, it got me to thinking.....
If I won £10,00, it's not enough to break the bank but what would I do???? my mate a case of sailor jerry rum a whole new outfit, and book a hairdresser and beautician just for the wedding I'm going to on the's quite a big deal......a lot of my old professors, and music dudes I admire going to be there (and i need to look my best) the bride is an amazing flautist... that lovely sofa I really want for the house one hundred pounds worth of scratch cards....coz yes, I am shallow.... home to Derry an see my mum
6...sort my account out, especially after yesterday's edinburgh day out
7...go for a nice Indian meal
8...stay the weekend in the amazing boutique hotel in Edinburgh
9...get my beloved flute a much needed overhaul and service
10...give all the above up, and put the full amount towards hiring a secretary for my Dear dear boy....god love him, he works to darned hard, far too hard and is so totally stressed out!!!!

I wish I could make it easier for him, I wish I could ease his load.... He's on total wipe out now until 15, I'll be lucky to even manage a few hours in a Sunday between now and then....but,it'll be worth it....
And he is also worth it!!!!!

Anyway, time to get in the zone, so, I'll keep you all posted!!!!!

All I need now is my blue rinse!!!!...:-)

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