In stitches

For a day that started with the entire morning spent in pj's and brunch at 1pm it ended up being a relatively productive day.

Kitchen cleaned and tidied, lounge tidied and hoovered, washing caught up with, more squares for the crochet blanket and an even rarer event of me on the exercise bike.

Not only that but I also had some free time to plan a new project.

In a break from all the wool, this is actually going back to my first love sewing, well blackwork to be precise. Hopefully the random octagons and squares will become a chess board. Not typical, but I got a crafty urge to see if I could create one. Square and octagon patterns are all decided. So now just to think of colours. I'm quite liking silver and dark blue, or maybe a variegated thread for the main colour. Decisions, decisions.

Oh yes, I also made my best batch of scones yet. One day I will be able to regularly make lovely scones.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend, and there is still one more day to go - hooray.

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