Us & Fifi carry on a bit.

By fifipusscat

Au revoir Nicholas

Lots of Sarkozy voting slips unused at our polling station at the end of the presidentielle elections and indeed so it proved to be. Hollande romped home in our village by 42 votes to 13.

77 people on the electoral register of whom 55 cast their votes. Four people voted for 'none of the above' by leaving their envelopes empty.

The vote counting team of five were needed. One to open the envelopes, one to read out the voting slip within, one to place the slips into two piles according to the vote cast and two to keep a running count of the results. The results are then phoned straight through to Perpignan on the special hot line and then all five sign the follow up form. About ten percent of the village turned up to watch the counting exercise.

No aperos though which was a bit of a blow,,,,,,,

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