My Montreal

By snaity

Let sleeping Wolves lie.

Hello again Blip!
I have neglected you for nearly a year. It has been one hell of a year. In a nutshell I've left the not so sunny shores of England and settled myself and my family in to the other side of the ocean in Canada. It is starting to get gloriously sunny now, but when you step of an aircraft in to -15 with a windchill of -21 you do start to wonder if maybe you are doing the right thing?!
We have been here 4 months now and I'm hoping I am finally maybe at a point where I can stop holding everybody elses hand and take a little time out for me. That means picking up my camera again and spending time in the evening editing and enjoying the images I have taken. In all the time it has taken I have fallen woefully behind in skill and knowledge and feel very much like a beginner again so bare (or is it bear, I never know) with me and some very strange shots as I get to grips with things once more.
I want to be able to take a shot a day, I want to get back in to the habit of carrying my camera everywhere again and most of all I want to enjoy myself. So I'm getting comfortable, understanding that every time I post all my English friends will be tucked up in their beds and just enjoying being back!
By the way, this is a sleeping grey wolf. I thought she was rather beautiful!

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