Saturday: Oxford vs Cambridge

Somehow, this annual event in Split has become known as the Oxford vs Cambridge boat race, even though a whole host of other teams take part.

Went along this morning to watch the finals.  My local colleague, who works in Split, and I were invited to the VIP area so off we went under the guidance of my colleague.  She took me up to the balcony of the local rowing club from where we had a pretty good view.  That said, there seemed to be a lot more going on down below us - at one point, we did wonder, as we were laying into the free drinks, about the demographics of rowing fans in Split, given that we had been joined by a large group of nuns and a whole host of children under 5.

We decided to wander downstairs where things were a bit more happening.  To do that, we had to walk through the dining area where everyone was tucking into a slap up meal.  We contemplated joining them, more out of politeness, but decided not to.  Just as well, as, when we got downstairs, it turned out that we had crashed someone's 80th birthday party and all the VIP stuff was happening down below..........

And the result of the race:

1. Oxford
2. A team from Italy
3. A team from Split

and Cambridge were disqualified for nearly rowing into the marina, and then veering into all the others boats, making them all crash into each other........

Track 124

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