A place in time

By Verbosa

Ted's Shed

Years ago this used to be our common-or-garden (ha ha) shed.

Mr A went off one Sunday declaring he was going to buy a shed. Mind you, he got slightly side-tracked and ended up buying a new motorcycle helmet instead, and although he claimed it was a real bargain (the helmet, being a Wayne Rainey replica, no less) he got a lot of ribbing along the lines of "you can't store many mowers in THAT".

But by 2000, the shed had become quite dilapidated and the bottom half of the wood was rotten. So Mr A reduced the height by about 18 inches and rebuilt it for The Boy, re-roofing it and applying several coats of protective green stain. It then became "Ted's Shed" as you can see from the name over the door. At the time, The Boy could easily walk through the doorway - it was perfectly sized for him. However, the years have passed and The Boy is now (much taller and has to bend virtually double to go inside) at uni, although the shed remains, looking rather unloved and in need of some TLC.

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