Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Bank holiday Monday's are for reading!

I think Henry might be going through a bit of a growth spurt as after 4 or 5 good nights he reverted back to hourly feeding last night, so I've been tired and grumpy today.

We went into the highcross centre in Leicester first thing to take some trousers and shoes back, then came home at lunchtime just as it was starting to get busy and went for a nap.

Neil's mum and dad came over just as we were waking up and Henry was in a great mood, full of smiles and claps for them which was nice as he hasn't seen them for a month or so. They brought him some milkybar buttons (which he loves but we don't let him have very often) and me some flowers which was very nice of them!

We've just got back from our friends house - they have a little girl who is only about 3 weeks old. She's very cute and I didn't want to give her back to her mum! Henry started to get jealous of me holding another baby, and while he started off stroking her hair I was worried that he was going to smack her in the face!

Today's blip is Henry with his spot the dog book. He's enjoyed being read to this weekend, and today he started lifting the flaps by himself. I'm already planning which books to get him for his birthday - I can't wait!

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