
By StateoftheArt

Day ninety-seven: come sit with me

One of the things that I enjoyed this weekend was the porch full of rocking chairs. I was nervous when I first arrived at the retreat as I knew no one and felt even farther away from home. But, I found a rocking chair, sat, rocked, and felt comforted.

Each day over the three days, I rocked in a chair. It was comforting and comfortable.

Today, I learned that sin is my obstacle to grace and that the story of rebirth happens over and over again. Psalm 51 was uplifting.

Another leader mentioned that sometimes action means letting help in. This hit me. I have been working really hard to fix these problems, all my problems. To learn about them and be self-sufficient. Maybe, just maybe, I need to let some help in to help me on my journey to wholeness.

Another passage that stood out was James 4:8 "Come near to God, and He will come near to you."

I love the light that bathes this rocking chair. To me, it felt like an invitation to come, sit, and be with Him.

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