Of Lyte And Darke

By Fiere

Golden Drops

Today it rained, which I rather like. I hate being out in the rain (most of the time, sometimes frolicking in it is awesome), but the thought of warm indoors, combined with hot chocolate is pretty good :L

Nevertheless, it was very thick cloud, and what with me not getting home till five after school it was nearly dark anyway (being nearly winter), meaning I had to us flash, which ended up with some... interesting effects. I feel like I could benefit from editing my photos by more than just cropping them, but I can't really be bothered, especially since my computer struggles with just about anything :P

Average day today, short day but didn't get t go home early as there's only one car :| Need something to do, as I am very bored currently :P Hmm. Nothing else to say, so bye for now I think. :P

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