Daunti's world

By daunti

I am in love with the moon

I seriously am...

I am a bit nuts when it comes to full moon nights. I chase it, I stalk it, I can't sleep. The other night, {back blipping I am} I was up all night shooting the moon. I actually took 313 pictures...yep, really did. Needless to say I woke up with a moon hangover the following morning. I was also moon bathing till the wee hours of the morning. The moon and its light shines right in my bedroom window where I sleep, it is so awesome. I love to lay in the moons light. I took this shot looking out my window.

I don't have the best of cameras when it come to moon taking, no distance. So I'm doing what I can with what I got. Someday I will get a big girl camera, lol. Well this one ended up being the one. I have done nothing to it. It's in the raw. This was taken the day after the full moon. The sky was covered with clouds the night of the so called "super moon". I was a bit mad at the clouds that night.

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