
The salt marsh at Belhaven, flooded by the spring tide. The scurvygrass flowers are underwater whilst the mute swans enjoy sailing around and feeding on whatever has floated up.

Big Tide.

After a beautiful morning, the rain rolled in big style about lunch. I failed to get out before then due to various phone meetings, and through the afternoon I alternated between yet more meetings and marvelling at the quantity of water pouring out of the sky.

When a 4.30pm meeting ended with me throwing my toys out of the pram when it transpired that the American vendor hadn't read the documents we sent them 3 weeks ago, I went out with my wellies, umbrella, wooly hat, fleece, gloves and Gore-Tex jacket to de-stress. Which worked 110% ! I came home relaxed as I've been for quite a while.

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