Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

It's all done!

This picture was taken courtesy of Vino a few hours after I came back from surgery.
At this stage I was very sleepy and sore.

I was taken down to theatre around lunch time. I remember getting the needle in my hand and the heart monitor stickers put on me. I don't know how I fell asleep as I don't remember getting the anaesthetic, which surely I shoud have. Then the next thing I was getting shaken and my name being called. I remember telling them they had interupted a good dream and I asked if I had had the operation as I was in the same place.
I was annoyed with myself that I didn't remember more and I didn't feel that 'nice feeling' of going to sleep as others said they had felt. It is also scary not being aware of what happened and how easily it can be to be 'out of it'.

The girl opposite me who had the same surgery, remembered the anaesthetic going in, getting wheeled into the theatre, the mask being put on her face and being told to count down. She also remembers having a chat with the surgeon after it. Why can't I remember that, SO, SO SO annoying and frustrating!!

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