Red Squirrel


Here Comes The Sun

See a bigger sky HERE.

Well - today started off warm, and stayed that way (unlike yesterday which started warm and ended up a cold, grey day) - and there's been lots of sun, and NO rain despite some pretty grim looking clouds at times. A really nice day. Yay!
Earlier this evening the sun and clouds were playing hide-and-seek, and there were some lovely cloud effects. So I took some shots. I chose this one to blip, as I thought the fresh green of the grass , combined with the sweeping curve of the ploughed brown soil in the field, made a lovely contrast to the blue, grey and white in the sky.

A music link: I'm sure I linked another live George Harrison version of this some time back, but it's such a spiritually uplifting track that I don't care! So here's a different version!

On another note: all the Wallflowers in terracotta pots outside my cottage door are finally in full bloom - and yesterday I realised that every time I walk into and out of the cottage, I'm enveloped in a cloud of Wallflower perfume. . Just gorgeous .... :))

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