
By Fi


I was in work early, for my half-day. My guests were all fast asleep when I left - and just as well they were, for it was teaming down with rain and was just vile.

By the time I returned, at the back of 1, it had stopped and the skies were much clearer than they had been only three hours earlier. Rhian was home alone, having gone back to bed, to read, while Emma and her folks went for a walk to the river.

The orignal plan had been that they would all do the Uprising Museum at some point in the morning with a view to me collecting them a bit later. But the weather and their lazy-ish morning put paid to that, so instead I dropped Derek and Alison off right outside it in the early afternoon - they were keen to see it and were mindful that us three probably wanted to hang out on our own for a while - so we did just that, by going for a late-ish lunch in town. I don't often see Warsaw at work, as it were. The Embassy is out on a limb - away from the centre and so when I am in town, it tends to be on a weekend, when the CBD is out of action. It was bustling - with many places taking advantage of the early sun and staking their pavement territory with tables and chairs and lots of suited and booted peeps having their business lunches. We sat indoors - and had a nice lunch and a bottle of wine (mega-small glass for me - and a spritzer at that - driving). We then went to Pole Mokotowskie for a stroll in the park, before hitting Lolek, for a cup of tea (for me) / beer (for them) while we waited for the 'we're ready' text from D & A.

The car was parked up at home and we strolled down to my local, under the bridge only a few steps away from home for a sundowner, while we considered our evening options for food and the like.

...we were still there at gone 11pm, sat outdoors (in jackets, granted) having consumed copious beers, vodka shots and snacks! All completely unplanned but perfectly enjoyable - and much hilarity on the short walk home as the three of us 'youngsters' (ha!) tried to leapfrog eachother - and the various leap-froggable posts! Such fun! :-)

The "3/4" title in honour of absent our friend who would otherwise make up the quartet. We did speak to Julianna and her brood at some point over the weekend - aware that she would have quite liked to have been here too. Especially as she was home alone with her two babies - while her husband was off having a jolly good time, too - on a stag do in Porto.

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