Sandy's Photo Journal

By SandyDuncan


Pleased with the days achievements; men back home from France, tree roots removed from the garden etc., I thought I deserved an early night to help alleviate the aches and pains from digging up those awful roots.
Imagine my surprise to be woken up in the early hours with a searing pain in my neck. It felt like I was on fire. I shouted screamed out and even woke Mike.
Clive came to the rescue. He turned on the light to see a wasp still looking at his handy work! However, things started to get rather frightening as my neck and tongue started to swell. Thank you to the emergency doctor who talked us through steps to try and slow down the swelling process. Emergency averted, but one very scared worried Sandy who didn't want to go back to sleep just in case!!
Sore today, but all's good.

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