Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Morning flight.

I chased the morning sun up to Dunsappie loch.
I'd hoped there might be some ducklings or even cygnets but am guessing it's still too early in the season.

However, only a moment after I arrived at the loch so did the Heron.
What a gift.

The movement of soaring birds fascinates me - and the more I look, the more I appreciate how amazing and diverse it is.
My mission is to learn how to take decent shots of birds in flight - pity about his wings being clipped out of the picture.
(my mission is to learn to take decent shots, full stop!)

Have added a couple of alternatives views to EXTRAS FOLIO

On arrival, the Heron was perched quite far away, on the other side of the loch - so I wandered round the edge.
So intent on getting closer, I didn't notice until too late that the edge of the loch was like a swamp in parts. Mud squelched over my boots.

Managed to extricate my feet and continue to move closer...very quietly and slowly (or so I thought) but the Heron was having none of it and flew off across the loch to exactly where I'd been.
My view was obscured by shrubbery so couldn't get a shot.

Squelched back around the loch, edging closer to his spot...and came within - roughly 20 metres - and once again, he soared off.
That was when I took this shot.
The yellow reflected on the water is from the abundant gorse bushes that line one side of the loch.
I'm pleased with some other shots of him standing so elegantly and had fun watching duck antics again.

It was so beautiful and peaceful at the loch (except for the birdsong and rampant quackery of the drakes) - and bliss to wander through the park.

I needed to clear my head and it was the perfect way to do it.

Noticed a huge police presence around Holyrood as I meandered back to the city centre.
Prince Charles is in residence, I'm told.

Have a great day, y'all

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