
By NinaH

Thumbs up..

Today me and some of my co-workers were at Sorja. It´s a summer colony at Vammala. Every may has been a traditional "trip month" for my co-workers. For several years they have had daycare groups visiting there (70-130 children and adults per day). I have been there before as a customer on a "creativity course" and once I was one of the "mentors". It´s a lovely place in middle of countryside, lakeside and everything!
Today´s program was a lot´s of playing outside, hoppy-horse riding etc. kids fun dinner, outside concert (PA-system and everything), sauna & swimming (if groups want and weather is good), and campfire & sausages!! For us it´s a easy day getting to know new people, introducing the place/praxis and having a concert, but being outside all day long takes it´s tone.. I´ve been quite tired!

I took this picture when need to send "thumbs up" for one of our co-worker whom stayed at our workplace. First he had send me a picture of him starting to peel potatos.. Our cook is suffering from a "bad thumb" and she needed help. Long story. Inside joke. No sense. Ha...

Now it´s evening and I have just arrived from hospital. Lassi needed some burger, so I drove there and got him what he needed and some extra stuff too. Great to see him feeling much better. Tomorrow he will have some results about the latest chemo treatment. Let´s hope the best <3

So many thumbs up for tomorrow!!!

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