The old piggery

Flipping freezing today and dull, grey and drizzling, the boots are back on. Himself and some friends decided to man-up and do a huge walk anyway and headed off in the direction of Mt Corrin - he's just returned, damp but spritely. I was working in the afternoon so couldn't join them, but I have managed to be a lady who lunched, and then a lady who tea-ed as well in between doing the odd bit of teaching.
The corrections to the proofs of the history book are just about done. I had a moments panic as I had asked a child to do a drawing of what I thought was once the old hotel in the village and she came up with something magnificent but himself reckoned it was the wrong building. I had to find someone local and of a mature age to question - which I did and I was right, so that's okay. I also learned a little more information and this rather sweet building is the old piggery which was connected to the hotel! The meat must have been fresh if limited. If you peer through the windows, which of course I have, you can still see the styes. The land has now been donated to the village and an attractive little kissing gate added at the entrance. It's all very grey but the greens are incredible hues at the moment.

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