Canny pick just one...

so narrowed it down to just a few.

I had a good morning at work, nice and busy for my half day. After work I headed over to Mum & J's for dinner and to help sorting through boxes and bags of stuff. We were rewarded for all our hard work with a few hours fishing. We all caught fish I even managed to catch the first fish of the day at 6lb and the biggest at 7.75lb. These are the biggest fish I have ever caught! We had a lovely time and the fish were giving us good sport, between us we lost 4 of our favourite fly's (I should explain that a favourite fly is one that catches fish). We release all the fish bar one for the pot, that took the fly to deep into its mouth and would not have survived.

As you can see we were not the only ones enjoying the pond, there is a nesting swan and goose. The male swan does not like the male goose and frequently chases it onto the bank as you can see.

Thank you J & Mum for a fantastic afternoon and yummy dinner.

Hope you had a good day :0)

Shona :0)x

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