a town called E.

By Eej

The Return of the Audrey II's

It's time to celebrate; the Audrey II's are back in town! This year, some of them have formed solid friendships/relationships and are spending their time hanging out together. Some of them even look rather lovingly at each other when they think I'm not watching. Awww. Young love.

Other than that, I keep having Thursdays. Today was the third in a row and that's just wrong. The Beloved is most likely going back to working evenings next week and I can't say I'm thrilled - I like having dinner with him every evening and snuggling before going to sleep.
Oh well ... lemons, lemonade and all that :)

This, however, made me truly happy. I don't understand why it took so long, I don't understand why he had to evolve into thinking this - but it happened and for that I'm thankful :)

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