East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Passion Fruit

Finally at last the Passion Fruit vine has fruit. No many, but I am hoping for more, although I keep forgetting to fertilize it. I must write a "to do" list!
Lazy blip this afternoon as I had a shopping day in Grafton and am feeling a bit slack/tired - also the start of a sore throat and head cold has descended on me - thanks to the little cherubs in Brisbane again I think:)
The shopping wasn't all that successful, although I did get a much needed new handbag - lets hope I can find things in this one!!
The trip home on the Pacific Highway was a nightmare of roadworks (repairing flood damage), trucks, caravans, motorhomes towing boats, etc and in parts I was down to doing 60kph, especially on the section of the h'way which is really just a two lane "goat track" and not fit to be the main Brisbane to Sydney highway!! Ok - rant over - I best start to think about doing something for dinner:(

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