G i r l ' s G o t G u t s

By Sionii


I'm working from home today so Marnie (AKA wee Marn, weenie and many other variations on a theme) is watching over to make sure I don't slack and get distracted by blip do everything properly.

A little bit about wee Marn; she is a bengal and we re-homed her in 2006 just after we got married. She was around 4 and a half then which makes her about 10 now and I hope she has many more years left! We didn't get told much about her background other than she had been put up for re-homing with a Siamese cat who had diabetes so they had taken the decision to split them.

Like most bengals she is quite vocal but has a tiny little squeak like a mouse. She likes to go out, but not too far and for not too long. She is very very affectionate but on her own terms. She loves a good belly rub and curling up on your lap. However, she doesn't tolerate being lifted up and has a sixth sense for when you're about to do it which means she disappears out of sight like a flash of lightning. She loves routine and gets very anxious at the slightest hint of change - such as a suitcase been taken out the loft or someone new visiting the house.

She is the bestest little cat, we do have another rescue bengal Bella, of duvet fame, but Marnie was here first and we had to reassure her she will always be number 1 team mate.

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