Polished Metal!

Hadn't planned this, but the bad weather made me decide to bring the tulips indoors and shoot another one. This was the smallest one of the bunch.

I then played around with a few filters and eventually added something called polished metal - it didn't make a massive change but I rather liked it.

Only just managing the post this - I think - as my Broadband has been going downhill over the last week or two. Its now been decided that the Router has reached the end of its productive life but it will be up to 5 days before the new one arrives. It had gone completely, but after spending the last 4 hours on the phone they have managed to kickstart it to give it a little bit of life but no guarantee how long it will last or what speed I will get. If I (or my pictures) don't make it on to Blip in the next few days you will know the reason.

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