Bradford reflected


We shouldn't have to work till we die especially (for many) in jobs that at best we are ambivalent about & at worst we actively hate.

Even God rested on the seventh day!

Cameron & his lap dog Clegg may not have to worry about their future but the rest of us would rather not work till 68. Imagine a 68yr old teacher, fireman, nurse or prison officer. Really? A 68yr old having to restrain a prisoner? A 68yr old lifting a patient? A 68yr old climbing a ladder? We might be living longer but that's on average & we don't all age in the same way.

It's not going to stop there, it will be 70 before you know it, giving you roughly 8 years to enjoy retirement, no guarantee of good health & with a pension which by then will be worth peanuts after working a lifetime. A few years of I'll health (possibly) to yourself!

Better start planning that bank job now...oh wait they don't have any real money anymore either.

I watched a pigeon pecked to death by crows today (I couldn't rescue it, would have taken the fire brigade) & I couldn't help picture Cameron & Clegg plucking the feathers of the proletariat before going in for the kill...

...& they haven't started yet! 80% of the cuts are yet to come!

We don't need austerity, we shouldn't be paying for the gambling debts of the bankers & government, there are real alternatives we just need a government with balls to do it:

1) Bring British troops back & cut spending on trident

2) A Robin Hood tax of just 0.05 per cent on financial transactions would raise £20bn in the UK a year, and that money could be spent on public services (in particular the NHS).

3) Close the tax gap & plug those loopholes, clamp down on tax avoidance by corporations and the rich saving £95bn a year

4) Make the banks pay for free insurance provided to them by the taxpayer: a chief executive at the Bank of England put the cost of this subsidy at £100bn in a single year

(Either the tax avoided and evaded in a single year or the ongoing taxpayer subsidy to the banking industry could pay for all of the £81bn, four-year cuts programme!)

Are we really all in this together?

Since the banking crisis:

average pay of FTSE 100 directors has risen 55%,
corporation tax has been cut,
the government have not delivered on a manifesto pledge to clamp down on tax avoidance, instead cutting staff at HMRC,
bank profits and bonuses are back in the many billions (last year banks paid out over £7bn in bonuses and just four banks made £24bn in profit),
there has been no reform of the banks.

David Cameron himself has said that the cuts will change Britain's "whole way of life". Every aspect of what was fought for by generations seems under threat - from selling off the forests, privatising health provision, closing the libraries and swimming pools, to scrapping rural bus routes.

What Cameron doesn't say is that the cuts will also disproportionately hit the poor and vulnerable, with cuts to housing benefit, disability living allowance, the childcare element of working tax credits, EMA, the Every Child a Reader programme, Sure Start and the Future Jobs Fund to name a few.

The facts speak for themselves; we are not all in this together, we are paying for the folly of reckless bankers whilst the rich profit.

Check out UK Uncut for more

Anyway I did blip today as well as mulling over the idiotic governments appalling policies lol

This is the side of the wool exchange in Bradford reflecting the city

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