the edges of my life

By raej

Smallies day....

a very bad iphone photo but I wanted to show how the dogs and cats that come to us for our small animal clinic days on fridays are transported - and these are the lucky ones - I've had them stuffed into shopping bags, sacks......mostly I try to encourage the guys to borrow one of our pet packs but these poor cats and dogs arrive terrified - for many their first motorbike ride.....
this big dog was a particular challenge - very fearful and aggressive - we eventually got him sedated - then a quick anaesthetic to castrate and vaccinate.... each animal we sterilise prevents so many more miserable lives coming into being... and the vaccinations help - rabies is endemic here as well as many other dog and cat diseases that are pretty much eradicated in the western world....
i like smallies day - but its always a worry sending these dogs and cats back - hoping they will survive a rough life and not be stolen by dog poachers....
It;s a very different world to veterinary medicine in the western world....

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