Today's Special

By Connections

Excellent GNO

The weather couldn't have been better for the Fairhaven Girls Night Out to raise funds for our local cancer center. M and I walked all over Fairhaven, having our "passports" stamped at twenty shops, enjoying gelato, carefully depositing our ten raffle tickets in the requisite containers at our favorite stores, and enjoyed the party at the Cruise Terminal, complete with the Bellingham Roller Betties and folks in quite a range of costumes representing the 80s.

I was the high bidder on one of Mount Bakery's famous chocolate truffle cakes, so there's Saturday's dessert/M's belated birthday cake taken care of! We'll be joined tomorrow by her brother, W, who is coming up for Mother's Day, so I'm not likely to get around to other journals for a day or two. I know you'll understand.

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