
By patrona

This is a reminder of what life used to be like at our house.

The land was worked by horses, asses or oxen or occasionally human labour, I fancy the same implements were used no matter what the motive power.

The yoke that hangs in my porch is one that has been used for years, it is hand carved, I can't tell what the wood is, possibly some sort of pine or perhaps yew, fairly light and close grained. It is adjustable by means of pegs and the flexible neck restraints.

The day passed peacefully, cleaned up the barbecue area, planted out some beans, noticed the grass needed cutting today so I decided to explore the possibility of harnessing wife power and son power to haul the gang mower using my antique yoke.

Surprisingly the experiment was not greeted with universal enthusiasm, my son tried but couldn't start the motor mower and the lady wife, well suffice to say that most of her oaths centred on parts of the male anatomy, it seemed to matter little that most of her suggestions were physically impossible, possible illegal and definitely contrary to the teachings of the Roman church.

Apart from that the day saw my first swim in the pool, now 22 c, and listening to the amplified sounds of the fiesta major where a karaoke of Abba, accompanied by a ranting DJ transported me back to a happier time in the seventies.

I am certain that I will have a more tranquil day tomorrow, once I finish mowing and retrieve parts of the yoke from.............. . well never mind

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