Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Hey there, Mr Blue

It was so nice to be outside getting the washing in at 8pm, avoiding irritating, mind-numbing, in-your-face Saturday night TV and instead listening to birdsong and lively voices from the playground, and absorbing deep bluey blueness from the cloudless sky above.

I made the mistake of going into the 17-year-old's room earlier today to see if she had any towels that needed washing. I ended up taking down a sackful of rubbish and doing 6 loads of washing (After hurting my foot tripping over all the gubbins on the floor).

In between washing and marvelling at the blue sky and washing and fetching food for smallest child and washing I tried to get my head into my OU work but, despite having books and notes around me all day I just couldn't get started. Even after all these years and different courses, I still don't know how other people with children and homes and other responsibilities manage. I end up waiting until everyone's at school or Richard's off work. I just can't deal with distractions.

What else...?
I always tell myself to do my blipping earlier. I can't think straight at this time of day.
I also think I'm a lot more interesting and a lot less grumpy and miserable at about 4pm!

Tess made me laugh a lot today. She said she wanted holey cheese and when I said we didn't have any she said she would write a shopping list for me. After asking how to spell Leerdammer, she stuck a note to the fridge and I thought nothing of it.

After she'd gone to bed I saw that she'd written:

Chease String
Swap Joel [with a backwards J] for another Brothe

She's also made a picture for a friend called 'What love really means!' She's drawn a big heart with a face and underneath are the words 'To [friend] I love you a loud. Yours Trueley Tess xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mWa '

I heard the baby great tits chirruping in their nestbox tonight. I know they're great tits because the daddy great tit perches at the top of the tree where the nestbox is, shouting, 'Nothing to see here!' every evening.


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