Beach Day

Wow today has been an adventure! This morning we went swimming and I was so excited that I forgot to sleep before we went, then we got there and Mummy hadn't put a swim nappy in for me so had to buy one, and I watched Ben and he was amazing and I want to be like Ben and do everything he does and I had my lesson and did lots and lots of swimming but I'm still quite tiny so Mummy couldn't quite get some of the bits right and she dropped me in the water a few times but that was ok because it's only water. I think I'm going to have to get used to Mummy dropping me in the water but I LOVE swimming so it's ok! I was really tired and went in my car seat and the next thing I remember is waking up at home and daddy picking me up, then Mummy walked in through the front door. How did that happen?

Grandma and Grandad are here and they're my FAVOURITE things! I was so excited this morning that I went to see if they were awake really really early but they weren't yet. I watched them really carefully to make sure. I told Mummy and Daddy that they weren't awake and had another cuddle then I went to see if they were awake yet but they weren't still. I was having another cuddle with Mummy when Grandma appeared and I nearly fell out of bed in my hurry to go and see her! Mummy and Grandma took us swimming after breakfast and I did lots of really good swimming even though my swimcap was on sideways. I'm learning pray-shoot-circle (breaststroke), and I'm learning how to keep a good body position when I swim. I liked watching Charley swim, I love Charley lots! Charley fell asleep on the way home because he was really tired. I watched some cbeebies while we waited for Charley to wake up, because I wanted to go to the beach.

After I had a cuddle with Mummy she wrapped me up and we went out for a walk! I love going for walks, it's so EXCITING! So many things to look at! I told Mummy about everything I could see but she just kept making funny gurgling noises back at me. Strange.

We went for a walk to the beach and I rode my bike, I LOVE riding my bike but I was a bit sad that there were no puddles to stomp in today. I got to race Grandad instead though, that was exciting! I got upset at one crossing though when I thought we were ok to cross but then everybody shouted, so I cuddled Daddy for a bit. Then we said hello to the beach before going to a different cafe where the food took ages to arrive, and I shared Daddy's chips and his chocolate pancake.

Mummy took us down to the beach, and then all of a sudden we were at a cafe. That kind of thing keeps happening, it's so weird! But it was great because I got to gum some of Mummy's pancake but Ben had CHIPS and I wanted one of them because I want everything that Ben has because he's my big brother and I LOVE HIM! And then Grandma gave me a BONE to gnaw on, that was AMAZING! So tasty and yummy and no silly bits coming off and getting in my mouth. I'm loving all the different flavours of things but still not sure what to do with bits of stuff yet. I had a play on the floor and tried to eat some of Mummy's pudding but I was really tired and couldn't figure out what I wanted so after Mummy changed my nappy she wrapped me up again but I wasn't happy. We went to the beach so Ben could throw rocks into the sea with Daddy and I loved the sound of the sea. That was nice.

We went to the beach after our lunch, Charley wasn't very happy but he liked the sea and he likes watching me! Daddy and I threw rocks into the sea, and Daddy kept picking me up to pull me out of the way of the waves because he said the tide was coming in! It was SO MUCH FUN, I love playing with my Daddy! He showed me how to wait until the water was really close before throwing the stones, so that I could get them into the water. We threw lots and lots and lots of stones into the sea! Then we walked to the pier because I wanted to look at the sea, and Daddy and I walked all the way to the end and back and then Grandad bought ICECREAMS and I LOVE icecreams, and I told everybody that I loved my icecream!

Mummy walked me to the pier and eventually she got the hint that I didn't want to be wrapped up anymore and she got me down and we looked at the sea together! That was AMAZING! The sea is so sparkly! THEN, Grandad bought icecreams and I wanted some icecream so Daddy gave me some on his finger and that was ok but not what I wanted so Mummy took me to a bench and offered me some booby milk but I could see Ben eating an icecream and I WANTED AN ICECREAM and eventually Mummy gave me her icecream and it was AMAZING and YUMMY and WOW and I loved the waffle cone too! But I wanted milk, we ALWAYS have booby cuddles after lunch, not wrap walks, and eventually Mummy got the idea and we went to another cafe with Grandad while Daddy and Ben and Grandma carried on looking at the sea.

Then we went to the other cafe, the one with the cakes, because Charley wanted his milk, but there were motorbikes outside and I wanted to look at all the motorbikes. I found five pence outside which was really really exciting! I asked Daddy if it would make the telescope on the pier work but he didn't say it would. I didn't make any mess today in the cafe because Grandma and Grandad and Daddy were there, and I only wanted hot chocolate anyway so I gave Daddy a big kiss because he got me hot chocolate!

I loooooove booby cuddles. It was really noisy in the cafe though so I couldn't get comfortable but I did in the end.... and then all of a sudden Daddy and Ben and Grandma were there, that was strange. And for some reason as soon as they appeared it was time to go and so Mummy wrapped me up again and we started walking again. I love watching Ben, he is so funny and big and amazing, and he ran around and around and made me laugh! Daddy made me laugh too, he was pulling faces at me! I told Mummy and Daddy about everything that I could see again, but they were too busy giggling at me to listen to what I was saying. Then Mummy said that Ben wanted to play at the playpark with Daddy and Grandad and that she was taking me and Grandma home, which I didn't like much because I wanted to be with Ben because he's my big brother and he's amazing and I love him lots and lots. But it was ok because when we got home I did a big poo and after Mummy cleaned me up I got to kick around on my playmat with nothing on and I did a wee and got my tummy all wet!

I lost my five pence under the sofa at the cafe and I was sad but it was ok because then I got to run around and around and make Charley laugh on the way home! I wanted to go to the playpark so Daddy and Grandad stayed with me and Mummy took Charley and Grandma home. When we got home I played with Grandma and Grandad some more until it was teatime and I had pasta and cheese sauce which is my FAVOURITE, and Charley had some as well because he always wants what I've got. Then Mummy took Charley to bed and Grandad got me ready for bed and cleaned my teeth and washed my face and I went to bed and cuddled Mummy and it has been an AMAZING day and I LOVED it and it's been my FAVOURITE!!

I got to eat some of mummy's chilli and rice at teatime, and I got to try some of Ben's pasta and cheese sauce, and I got to gnaw my way through a breadstick as well, but what I really wanted was to go to bed because it was bedtime and I like going to bed because it's quiet and I can lie down next to Mummy and cuddle for ages and ages. Today has been AMAZING, all these things I got to eat, all the things I got to look at, the SEA was AMAZING! And I've told everybody about everything and I am sooooo tired now........

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