Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Bike and Bus

It was the kind of day that makes you glad you woke up early, and eager to go outside in the sunshine. When I tried to take photos of the hummingbirds feeding on the fuchsia-flowering gooseberry and the porch feeder, I got mooned by Harold. I also took this other over-the-moon shot.

We (Cynthia and her daughter M) went to the usual Farmers' Market, and were joined later by her son, W.

Railroad Avenue was closed for the EverybodyBike Bike Expo , a special event promoting the use of bicycles for transportation. One of the offerings was an opportunity to practice loading your bicycle on the carrying rack which some of our local buses have.

It was a good day at the market. After a couple of hours I was hot and tired and sought the shade of Boundary Bay for a refreshing draught before heading home.

As always, C's blip is more eloquent than mine, and her asparagus photo is not to be missed!

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