There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera


"Flowers are the music of the ground,
From earth's lips spoken without sound." - Edwin Curran

The shapes of columbine are endlessly interesting to me. Their little hats resemble fool's caps worn by jesters, and the blooms as they start to open resemble little faces.

In this photo, it seemed to me that the columbine in the back might be whispering to the flower in front. One wonders: what secrets might they be sharing?

The past two weeks, I've been taking great advantage of the columbine in my yard, and using them as photographic subjects. Several more columbine pictures are available here:
Saturday 28 April 2012: The First Columbine Bloom!
Monday 30 April 2012: Calling All Angels
Saturday 5 May 2012: Columbine, in Black and White

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