A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Grandma's wine glass

This weekend is mother's day in America. So we all went to my aunt J. for dinner. We were all happy to spend time together, had a lovely dinner, talked and laughed. After dinner, all the grandkids got together to pay hommage to my mom and my aunt for giving grandma the end of life she wanted.

We then talked about grandma, and my aunt took out my grandma's "wine" glass. Grandma used to say: a little of everything, never too much of anything. So this tiny glass was her wine glass at my aunt. She loved brandy, and St-Raphael. I never saw her even slightly tipsy!

Mom and my aunt had brought things that grandma made all through her life, so here are a few of the things (my cousin M. and mine "loot").

I backblipped for Friday

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