To Be Continued....

By ClaireS

Just Keep Swimming

This is the new Commonwealth Pool in Edinburgh.

I was here today because my younger sister had a birthday party in the soft play area and I said that I would go to the gym while she was there. It has only just been refurbished and it is looking nice and clean. I was planning on going to the gym for an hour but there was a cafe that was selling chocolate cake so I had no choice but to sit and watch people working hard.

There was a relay event on or something so the pool was at the full size but when the public were allowed to go swimming they had a divider up in the pool and they can adjust the depth of the pool or make it slanted or something. I'm no expert I just had nothing else to take a picture of.

Lovely weather today. Nice constant flow of heavy rain and wind. Great for the garden. HappyBlipping :)

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