investigations of a dag

By kasty

braving it

The sun, that brave man,
Comes through boughs that lie in wait,
That brave man.
Green and gloomy eyes
In dark forms of the grass
Run away.

The Brave Man by Wallace Stevens

Sun is out and so am I. Needed to get my limbs used to a few miles more for a tough half marathon coming up in 8 weeks. I've barely been above 6 miles since July last year... so I really have to do this hilly 8-9 mile route. The first half is mainly up, the other down. At the top the the blown boughs cast bubbly shadows over the dropped blossom. I got a little giddy and took photos. I struggled a bit on the way back, but gradual pain and exhaustion tolerance is kinda the point.

Afterwards I was a bit skittish with the endorphins, forgot about that too, and met up with Sheen machine for a long awaited but quick catch up. She has a half mar on Sunday in Ben Nevis with wild weather predicted, plus a missing cat, a hijacked email account (she is not in manila and needing "plenty dollar to get out of jail"), no sleep from night shift and an assignment due in. I don't call her the machine for nuttin.. The restorative power of coffee and cake is all I can offer, and a big hug.

After that I skip off into town for the Christian Aid book sale, the biggest in the UK or Europe (I think?). It takes over a church and the environs on George St and every bibliophile in town has been sharpening their elbows for weeks. It's busy and by the time I meet friend G, chat, share a scone and some coffee, it's almost over. Will need to pop back.

After that quick film (Dark Shadows - Tim Burton's latest). I wouldn't if I were you. All the best bits are rips off's of Death becomes her or Edward scissor hands - which milks the whole "american gothic" Vs "american kitsch" so much better. It's pretty to look at.. but not unmissable.

Then an amazing dinner at friend R's. She goes to loads of trouble to make asian spicy salad and BIG burgers, plus brings out a bottle of bubbly to celebrate me lighting the fuse on my cannonball jump out of my office job and into uni. I feel very spoilt and later.. a little teeny squeeny bit tipsy

joyous day.

PS. also on this day, I discover the strange and wonderful history of the industrial musical courtesy of Radio4

These were musicals made for corporate events to help communicate sales messages and company guidelines. One off's performed at company conferences they were very rarely recorded (none on you tube) and often featured real musical stars, musicians and writers.

The only way to listen to such classics as "I've never enjoyed an operation more" and "my insurance man" is to listen to the show, trust me your world may never be the same again..

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