
By Londonize

William Dalmation

William Dalmation is a bit of a hero. We've had him for nearly 4 years since Tilda found him in Woolies in Brixham where he was part of a 101 Dalmations promo. Then he got lost in Paignton Zoo, only being rescued from the Tigers by an SAS style raid by the flamenco's - aka Dad. This adventure culminated in being flown out to sea, drpped with the fishes, nipped by a crab, trawled up by a fishing boat and then being returned to Woolies (where we collected the wild rover and brought him home next day).
Crazy. So it is.
There he sits on Tilda's pillow, guarding her bed, waiting for her to come home from her first ever school trip and 2 nights away.
Real life can be just like Toy Story.

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