
By sp33dway

apex twin

When I was little I used to LOVE tuesdays, and so did my dog. It was the day my grandad came round in his blue mini-van, me giddy with excitement and the dog drumming her tail on the floor faster than David Grohl. He always brought a bigbutcherbone wrapped in newspaper with him and a small bag of sweets (probably some rhubarb&custards, a candy watch or a dip-dab). He always had a walking stick in hand but to me he was rock-solid and full of life, with the biggest and best BFG earlobes I've ever seen. Needless to say I miss him loads, as I'm sure most other people miss theirs too.

Think I've inherited the family earlobegene though, as mine are whoppers too. So at least when I look into the mirror I'm always reminded of him.

These days, apart from an annual dose of pancakes, Tuesdays are the 'worst' day of the week for me - about as much fun as licking windows. Thankfully I've got 'Life on Mars' to look forward to on 'telly tonight, so at least that's something.

Actually, going back to my coloured days of the week thing, 'Tuesday' for me is a mid-pale blue. Which was the same colour as my grandads van.

So maybe things are looking up and Tuesdays can be a good day afterall.

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