Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

The Finale - DM's 5th Birthday

Today was the final day of DM's Birthday Celebrations. She's been given loads of wonderful presents and has taken them all in her stride. When opening each present, she's passed comments about how much she liked the gift, or how kind it was to be given the gift. I sat watching her open her presents last night and I'm really proud of the little lady she's becoming.
Peach's Mum is over from Cyprus and joined us with Nanny Choochie-Face for lunch today.
After lunch we had a gathering of grand-parents and family, and surprised Daisy-May with her final gift. A bike from Nana T, Nanny Shoe, Auntie Car-Car, Grandad Pete & Grandad Rick. She was smiling from ear to ear! DM then spent the next hour going up & down our road riding her new bicycle!!

Thank you to everyone who has helped make Daisy-May feel so loved and cared for this weekend. We're touched by the generosity of our family and friends. Thank you so very much!!

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