Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Feed me NOW

Alternative title : The shot I missed...

Brief spell in the gardens today, peaceful except for the birdsong, truly an oasis in the heart of the city.

Two Robins seemed quite curious and came very close by.

Split second after I took this shot, the other one came up on another branch of the tree and as I tried to focus on it, it moved next to the squawking one and put something in it's beak.
It was a lovely moment - and would have made a great shot, if only I'd kept the focus where it was!
Before I could blink they both flew off into nearby shrubbery.

Just love these little fellas...and they won the day, in spite of a couple of people shots that were ok - including a Jonny Depp lookalike, ha ha ha!!! no kidding

It must already have been put here sometime, but just in case, a bit of cheerful nostalgia


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