Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

No doubt about it!

Unless these two bushtits are pigging out on bugs and worms every few minutes, there are babies in their nest! I watched them most of the morning bringing fat worms and spiders in - changing places every few minutes - and could hear little chattering inside the nest. Oh how I wish I could see in there, to see where the babies are ensconced, how big they are, what they look like.

And why is it such a thrill to have this very common occurrence going on within eye shot of our back door? You'd think nothing like this ever happened before. But first thing I did this morning was set up my viewing perch in the sun room, camera at the ready. Before I made my coffee!!! That's obsession dedication.

Here's a slideshow of a few more shots this morning.

Be sure to look at the fat worm LARGE. And notice the clematis flower buds, just about to bloom?

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